Monday, May 26, 2014

Big Hair, Don't Care?

Growing up as an average awkward braces wearing pre-teen, I always hated my hair. It was consistently frizzy, unruly, and surrounded by a crown of baby hair. I tried every pharmacy product recommended by the top beauty magazines, but nothing would help. In my teens, I discovered the straightening iron and occasionally tamed my locks with this contraption on special occasions. Most of the time, I opted for mousse, but that wasn't always a sure bet for frizz control. After years of struggling with my lack of hand eye coordination, I finally learned how to manipulate a blowdryer. Last week. It's been a rough ride where my hair has been concerned, but I like to call it a work in progress.

A little over a week ago, something strange happened. Karl Lagerfeld presented his Cruise Dubai 2015 Collection and I couldn't believe my eyes. Models were walking down the runway with the teased hair and curly fros of the 1960s. After seeing models skip down his couture runway in sneakers, I knew that anything was possible but once again, as I watched these ladies rock the curls, everything I thought I knew about fashion needed to be reconsidered.

Chanel Cruise Dubai 2015
Is it possible that curly hair is making a comeback?

When Marc Jacobs introduced his Fall 2013 collection last year and had his models sport this retro look, I thought it was simply Marc being nostalgic. It was cute, but I probably wouldn't try it at home.

And then, I started watching Mad Men. Talk about teased hair. All I could think about was how I wish I had hair like Joan Harris or Megan Draper. When did my hair get so flat? Or better yet, when did I become so obsessed with flattening it? What happened to all that luscious body?

So, what's the verdict? Is big hair making a comeback? Will ladies abandon their straightening irons and embrace their natural pouf? If bushy eyebrows and other bushes can make a comeback, isn't it only natural that the hair on our head will follow suit?

What do you think of wild curls? Will you be reverting back to this look? Whenever you're on the fringe, remember to ask yourself "WWKD" (what would Karl do).



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